Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Big Boy!

Jonah went on the big boy potty today!! He had absolutly no interest before... and then today his friend Ty was over, and Jonah caught him going on the potty, and ever since he was all over it! We got him a new potty seat, and he did not want to get off! He was determined... he sat there saying "Stinkies in there!" as he pointed to the potty. And then we had success!! #1 and #2, and #1 again later tonight! YAYYY!!! Mommy and daddy are so proud :)
He's probably going to hate me someday for posting pictures of him on the toilet!! :)


Lindsey said...

hahahah i love it em!
you have your blackmail pic right here :)

Becky Rozema said...

Hurray!!! Oh to get out of diapers!

Anonymous said...

Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!

Anonymous said...
